Un modo per riciclare e spendere poco!
Vi servirà:
Stoffa di jersey (usato)
perline con buchi grandi
fantasia :)

Tagliate delle strisce di jersey, noi abbiamo usato il pantalone di un vecchio pigiama, infilate le perle (ne bastano poche per ogni bracciale), fate un nodo e voilà, il regalo è pronto. Veloce e a costo quasi zero!
This year my daughters have decided to make a cheap present for their friends. A home-made bracelet made with recycled fabric and new beads.
A fun way to recycle and spend little money for your Christmas presents!
You will need:
t-shirt fabric (old)
beads with big holes
fantasy :)
Cut long stripes of jersey fabric, we used an old pijama trousers, put the beads (you will only need a few to make it pretty), make a knot and there you go it is ready for a cute gift. Fast and cheap!