L'iperico si coglie , per tradizione , a San Giovanni cioè il 24 giugno.
L'iperico, fiorisce da maggio a luglio, ma giugno è il periodo migliore per coglierlo.
Ricetta : 70 gr di fiori e 250ml di olio di oliva buono, biologico. Far macerare per 6 settimane in una bottiglia o vasetto chiusa al sole e capovolgere ogni tanto. Filtrare e conservare in bottiglie di vetro scuro, al riparo dalla luce e in luogo fresco. Dura 2 anni. L'odore è come quello che compri.
Ha proprietà straordinarie ed ha principi attivi molto importanti. E' iimmunostimolante, antiinfiammatorio, ripara le ferite e antirughe, sedativo,eritema, ustioni, herpes simplex. Provatelo sulla pelle dopo la doccia ne sarete felici, la lascia morbida e poco oleosa.
Infuso: 1 cucchiaio raso sommità fiorite di iperico, 1 tazza d’acqua
Versare la miscela di foglie e fiori nell’acqua bollente e spegnere il fuoco. Coprire e lasciare in infusione per 10 min.
Filtrare l’infuso e berlo al momento del bisogno in caso tosse, raffreddore, cistite, tensione nervosa.
St. John's wort flower, is usually picked at S. John's on June 24th.
The flower mainly flowers between may and July but June is teh best time to pick it.
Recipe: 70gr of flowers and 250ml of good organic olive oil. Let it stay for 6 weeks in a glass bottle or glass pot and turn it over from time to time. Filter and keep in a dark bottle, away from light and cold. It will keep up to 2 years. The smell is like the one you buy.
It has extraordinary properties, it is an immun-stimulant, and anti-inflammatory, it helps wounds and wrinkles, it's sedative, it helps all eritemas, burns and herps. try it on your skin after your shower, it will leav it smooth and not oily.
Tea: 1 spoon of flowers, 1 cup of water
Pour the leaves and the flowers in boiling water and let it stay. Cover and let it infuse for 10 minutes.
Filter it and drink it, it is ideal for cough, colds, nervousness and against depression
Versare la miscela di foglie e fiori nell’acqua bollente e spegnere il fuoco. Coprire e lasciare in infusione per 10 min.
Filtrare l’infuso e berlo al momento del bisogno in caso tosse, raffreddore, cistite, tensione nervosa.
St. John's wort flower, is usually picked at S. John's on June 24th.
The flower mainly flowers between may and July but June is teh best time to pick it.
Recipe: 70gr of flowers and 250ml of good organic olive oil. Let it stay for 6 weeks in a glass bottle or glass pot and turn it over from time to time. Filter and keep in a dark bottle, away from light and cold. It will keep up to 2 years. The smell is like the one you buy.
It has extraordinary properties, it is an immun-stimulant, and anti-inflammatory, it helps wounds and wrinkles, it's sedative, it helps all eritemas, burns and herps. try it on your skin after your shower, it will leav it smooth and not oily.
Tea: 1 spoon of flowers, 1 cup of water
Pour the leaves and the flowers in boiling water and let it stay. Cover and let it infuse for 10 minutes.
Filter it and drink it, it is ideal for cough, colds, nervousness and against depression
Grazie per i preziosi consigli.
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