As you already know by now, I love pallets and I like the idea of reusing them everywhere. We have already shared various ideas such as beds and chairs but today I will share ideas for the garden. Despite the winter season it is time to start thinking about our open spaces and try to re-organize them as well as possible for the outdoor season.

Un giardino in terrazzo è sempre un modo originale per usare i pallet. Sono utili per fiori e per verdure e fragole.
A garden on a terrace is always a fun and original way to use pallets. It is useful for flowers but also vegetables and strawberries.

Quì vediamo i pallet usati in una fiera ma anche in giardino si possono fare dei letti rialzati.
Here we can see pallets used in a trade fair but they can be used in the same way for raised beds.

Questo tavolo da lavoro per fare giardinaggio è veramente utile e bello!
This working garden table is very useful and beautiful!

Mobili da giardino.
Garden furniture.

Ancora idee per l'orto organizzato!
More ideas for an organized vegetable patch.

Incamminamento creato con i pallet.
A pallet garden path.

Ideal as a tool holder.

Infine questo sistema è molto funzionale per creare una compostiera a costo zero.Io ne ho uno similare.
Finally this is an excellent system to create a cheap composter. I have a similar one.
Se avete altre fantastiche idee condividetele con noi.
If you have other fantastic ideas please share them with us!
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